Four Stage Scheduling of Steel Making using Earliest Deadline First Algorithm [Download]
P.Chandra Sekhar, PS Avadhani , P. Suresh Varma, NRMR Bhargava
Alkaline Leaching of a Uranium Metal from the Ore Using EDTA [Download]
Purushotham, P. Bhavya Manjeera, P. J. Rao
Performance Evaluation of Expansion Turbine Gas Cooler in a Steel Plant [Download]
T.Eswar Rao, P. S. Kishore
Design and Implementation of an Android System for Indoor Positioning Using WLAN Finger Print Scheme [Download]
Dr. Ammar Dawood Jasim, Hiba Hussein Marza
Performance Evaluation for ICN over Custom-SDN Network [Download]
Mareb H. Atiyah, Dr. Ammar D. Jasim
Optical Design of Two Dimension Compound Parabolic Solar Thermal Concentrator [Download]
Dr. Alaa H. Shneishil
Fuzzy Logic Based Power Factor Correction for BLDC Drive [Download]
S.Divya, Dr. S.Jaganathan
CFD Analysis of a 210 MW Tangential Fired Boiler [Download]
Jaladi Himachandra, L.S.V Prasad
Estimation of Parameters in the Growth Curve Model with a Linearly Structured Covariance Matrix-A Simulation Study [Download]
Cassien Habyarimana, Martin Sinngull, Joseph Nzabanita
Information Security in Cloud Computing: A systematic Literature Review and Analysis [Download]
Dinesh Taneja, S S Tyagi